Uenomura Adventures
Tourism Mobile Site UI 観光モバイルサイトのUI
College joint project with Ueno Village (regional revitalisation)
• Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects
• Figma, HTML, CSS, Javascript
Keita Saruwatari, Ruka Uehara, Shannon Teoh

少子高齢化の背景において群馬県にある人口1,100人ぐらいの村、上野がこれから持続的経営のための観光消費額向上を目指し 観光産業の発展に関する課題をもらった、未来に地域を残すために力を入れたい所存である。そこで、我々は課題として観光サイトのデザインした。With the backdrop of an ageing population, a village of approximately 1,100 in Gunma Prefecture seeks to develop sustainable ventures to improve its tourism industry. We were tasked to design a tourism website for the village.
A tourism site that makes it easy to get a grasp of Ueno Village and plan courses
Visualising the time taken and distance of activities for easier trip planning
1 General Research


• Looking into competitors in the same field
• 同じ条件を持つ競合会社について調べる


2 Field Work


• Day-long Observations in Uenomura Village in Gunma Prefecture
• 実際に群馬県の上野村に行って、一日観察する
Insight #1 / インサイト #1

"The activity spots are all over the place"

Rather than having the activities in 1 spot, they were decentralised so you have to move from one spot to another by a vehicle. It would be much easier to plan if you have a good grasp of the distance between each activity.
Insight #2 / インサイト #2

"A unique culture when it comes to trees"

95% of Ueno Village's surface area is made up of forests, where broad-leafed trees account for 63% of it(as compared to the national average of 50%). Since the Edo Period, logging and felling of trees is banned in 27 areas around the village, leading to rich forests that Ueno inherits till today. Naturally, the forestry industry does very well here. When there are many trees whose colours are very much influenced by the seasons, the seasonal sensation would naturally be strong.
上野村は、森林面積95%、広葉樹林比率63%(日本平均50%)と広葉樹の森が広がる。 江戸時代、村にある御巣鷹山では木の伐採が禁止され、その結果豊かな森が現代に受け継がれている。 現在の上野村にも多様な木があり、林業も盛んになった。木の豊かな上野村にいると、季節感が自然に強く感じられる。
Insight #3 / インサイト #3

"The blessings that comes with the mountain and the river"

Ueno village lies in the Mid-mountain area and is therefore blessed with many of the good things that come with mountains such as delicious boar meat. Furthermore, the Tone river is chosen as one of the 100 most beautiful river in the Heisei period. There are many places around in Japan where adventure tourism is possible, but we decided that it is best to promote activities that are unique to Ueno Village and the mountain and river is key. For instance, fishing in the river and feasting on river fishes or having boar steamboat while enjoying the starry night.

Overall Site


•Recommended Seasonal Courses

•Recommended Actvities

•Social Media Feed

Recommended Seasonal Course Page

•Course Timetable

•Activity List with mini map

•Other Recommended Pages

Build-your-own-course Page

•Customizable Course Timetable

•Customizable Activity list and mini map that automatically corresponds to acitivity edits (Activity you favourited from other pages automatically gets added here)